
Sunday, 8 March 2015

My Sisters Keeper

Happy International Women's Day!!!

I hope as women we are indulging in this day dedicated to us. Of course we must celebrate our worth day by day. But its nice for us as a union to be recognized at a unit.
Today I'm bringing you something different than that of my usual blogging style.

I had the privileged to collaborate with Karen and Esther on a fun day shoot just for this cause. Expressing the unity of women. We had great fun shooting with the fab photographer Ayo.

"Unity is strength. When there is teamwork and collaboration, wonderful things can be achieved"
Mattie J.T Stepanek
As women in society, we can get caught up in the "competition" of life. Always trying to out do one another. We forget that Power comes in Unity. We as a body of people can achieve so much more when we uphold and lift one another up rather than tearing each other down. 

I for one am all about the unity of women. That is why when the opportunity presented itself to work with these ladies, I couldn't pass it up. Sharing love is so rewarding. I encourage all my readers to embark on this journey.

"The reason why the world lacks unity, and lies broken and in heaps, is  because we are disunited with ourselves"
Ralph Waldo Emerson
So lets make a change and stay united as a people, but more importantly as women.

So in link with power and unity, I wanted to reflect on power clothing. How does your clothing make you feel? To me, Clothing says a lot about a person. You can tell a persons personality, lifestyle and confidence through materials on an individuals back.

Jumpsuits to me represent power. I think its because of the confidence I exhume when I wear it. 

"She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come... Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all"
Proverbs 31:25 + 29

"Love is the strongest force the world possesses"
Mahtama Gandhi

When we accept ourselves for who we are and LOVE ourselves, then we can give love to others. In honor of International Women's Day, I embarked on the #DearMe movement. below is advice to myself. below is the link I hope you enjoy :)

Jumpsuit - Primark // Clutch - Primark // Shoes - Lolashoetique

Until next time, Stay Balance
Spread love and unity

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